6.s081 Run xv6 riscv by qemu on ubuntu20.04
please refer offical site firstbuild&install toolchaingit clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchaincd riscv-gnu-toolchain/./configure --prefix=/usr/local/opt/riscv-gnu-toolchainmakesudo make installbuild&install QEMUwget https://d...…
Android studio gradle connection refused
android studio compile errors查看详细的日志信息C:\Users\jacky\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio4.2\logbug0: gradle connection refused这个问题困扰我很久了,最近在维护一个安卓app,经常改着改着就sync失败了,查看原因就是connection refused, 虽然明知道是网络问题,但明明setting-proxy没有问题,所以耽误了许多时间。今天在知乎上找到了答案,直接修...…
test bluez4 on arm-linux
初始化蓝牙sh /etc/enable_bt.sh查看蓝牙,获取设备编号 hci0hciconfig -ahci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: UART BD Address: 20:70:02:A0:00:00 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 DOWN RX bytes:604 acl:0 sco:0 events:30 errors:0 TX bytes:398 acl:0 sco...…
Test bluez 5.x on arm Linux with kernel 4.1.x
test bluez 5.x on arm-linux platform from zsjsh /etc/enable_bt.shcd /usr/libexec/bluetooth/./bluetoothd -C &hciconfig hci0 uphciconfig hci0 piscan#不执行会报错 (Using X11 for dbus-daemon autolaunch was disabled at compile time, set your DBUS_SESSIO...…
debug bluez5 on raspberrypi 3
pi@scmbot:~ $ sudo bluetoothctl[NEW] Controller 00:1B:DC:0F:5A:0C scmbot [default][bluetooth]# power onChanging power on succeeded[bluetooth]# agent onAgent registered[bluetooth]# pairable onChanging pairable on succeeded[bluetooth]# scan onDiscov...…
怎么转换srtm hgt数据到osm
怎么转换SRTM hgt数据到OSM -jacky推荐使用工具 phyghtmap 主页 使用手册参考环境Ubuntu16.04 python3.5第一步 搭建使用环境搭建python3.5开发环境验证首先验证当前python版本,验证方法如下:打开终端(control + alt + T),输入这是python2.7的版本,phyghtmap不依赖2.7的版本,只需要3.x的版本jacklin@ubuntu:~$ python --versionPyth...…
How to run osmscout2 base on libosmscout
libosmscout-OSMSCout2 demo testfirst, pull down from libosmscout###check environment variableexport QTDIR=/opt/Qt5.9.3/5.9.3/gcc_64export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHexport QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=$QTDIR/pluginsexport PATH=$PATH...…
How to import contour line to libosmscout
how to import contour line to libosmscoutreferencePageflag:elevationContourwhen we get .osm file from hgt, then we can import osm with *.osm.pbf to libosmscout../Import --typefile ../../stylesheets/map.ost --destinationDirectory \ ../../maps/demCh...…
How to convert hgt to osm
#how to convert hgt from SRTM to osmtools used:phyghtmap homePage manPage###environment reference:ubuntu16.04+python3.5DownloadAt the moment, you have the choice between two different distribution types: Source distibution: phyghtmap_2.20.orig.t...…
使用zoneDetect获取当前位置的时区获取时区的方案分为在线版和离线版,在嵌入式设备上一般使用离线版本。参考信息如下:Time Zone Location Web Services Google Maps Time Zone API Microsoft Azure Maps Time Zone API GeoNames Time Zone API TimeZoneDB API AskGeo - commercial (but arguably more accurate th...…