
A technique blog for jacky

here are my artitles about work(embeded system develop, docker, etc.) and life(cook, hiking)

Test bluez 5.x on arm Linux with kernel 4.1.x

test bluez 5.x on arm-linux platform from zsj

sh /etc/enable_bt.sh

cd /usr/libexec/bluetooth/
./bluetoothd -C  &

hciconfig hci0 up

hciconfig hci0 piscan

#不执行会报错 (Using X11 for dbus-daemon autolaunch was disabled at compile time, set your DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS instead)
export $(dbus-launch)

#蓝牙文件传输协议 不启动的话QT5无法传输文件
/usr/libexec/bluetooth/obexd -d -a -r '/' &

bt-obex -y -s '/' &

test bluez4 on arm-linux

初始化蓝牙sh /etc/enable_bt.sh查看蓝牙,获取设备编号 hci0hciconfig -ahci0: Type: BR/EDR Bus: UART BD Address: 20:70:02:A0:00:00 ACL MTU: 1021:8 SCO MTU: 64:1 DOWN RX bytes:604 acl:0 sco:0 events:30 errors:0 TX bytes:398 acl:0 sco...…

bluez BT bluez4继续阅读

debug bluez5 on raspberrypi 3

pi@scmbot:~ $ sudo bluetoothctl[NEW] Controller 00:1B:DC:0F:5A:0C scmbot [default][bluetooth]# power onChanging power on succeeded[bluetooth]# agent onAgent registered[bluetooth]# pairable onChanging pairable on succeeded[bluetooth]# scan onDiscov...…

raspberry 3B继续阅读